Saturday, February 3, 2007

im very upset with my host brother, jose right now. hes such a mess. hes almost 37 and still lives with carmen, mi madre. she cooks all his food, does all his laundry, and yesterday she spent the better part of the day organizing all of his bills, taxes, and everything. he got in a car accident the other day and *didnt have insurance* so the police had to impound his car and carmen got him out of it, somehow. and then at lunch today he was just treating her like shit, i dont exactly know what they were saying but he was being really mean to her. such a machisto attitude with a lot of men towards their mothers/sisters. i mean, this guy literally does nothing to contribute to the household and then feels like he can treat her poorly. also he told me to change the sex and the city documentary i was watching because "he doesnt like it" and that pissed me off too.

p.s. i just bought diet coke, spanish version of m and ms, and peanut butter. such an american. and im going out for pizza tonight with my friends!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

oooooh Raguel seems irate. I don't blame you tell Jose to get a 'vida'. He needs to start having some respect for the senoritas and senoras. Did you celebrate 'groundhog day' there?
How does the full moon look in Spanish?
Love 'Aunt Kathy' O'Dea