Monday, January 22, 2007


So I finally somehow figured out how to add more entries. It was kind of an accident, actually. Oh well. Right now things are great. I started classes today and I love my teacher already. Shes very pretty and patient and has a nice accent. Since I just realized I dont really feel like writing in full sentences, i'll write what I was thinking of as I walked home earlier.

I love how on my street theres a pet store and a little black puppy that I say hello to every morning.

I love how I have cute professors!

I love how my host mom, Carmen, is such a damn good cook.

I love how my host brother, Jose, loves everything rock and loves to say FUCCCKKK and give the rock sign with his hand (they are alot more casual about swearing here)

I love how the clothes here are so beautiful (and cheap...)

I love how I actually understand almost everything people here say (but talking is a different story...)

I love how its very breezy but the wind is never bitter and nasty like it is at home.

I love how I am stealing wireless right now!

I love how my Carmen, my host mom is a raging recycler who hates hate hates Victoria Beckham.

The end


Nancy said...

I am hoping that this reaches you Rach. It was great to see your comments. Keep them coming. I will write more if this works

Nancy said...

It worked!! I will let others know that you are up and running. Enjoy the warmth! The temperatures are dropping here in the northeast as we speak!! With wind chill it will be subzero tomorrow.

David Benson said...

Hey B,
I love hearing about all the things that you love about where you are. You're right, it is very cold here. And the wind makes it feels even colder. Mom and I are getting real excited about our trip to visit you. Imagine, me in Spain. Carmen and I will have alot of recycling to talk about. Great hearing from you. Talk to ya soon. Love, Dad